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Diy Alarm System Blog

Qolsys IQ 4 - The Ultimate DIY Alarm System
      Many view alarm systems as a niche add-on to their homes that while tempting, must be too much of a pain to install. Many also feel as though they need to install a hardwired system due to complaints of past wireless technology being unreliable and devices lacking the battery life for it to be a convenient enough option...
How to Be Prepared for Home Invasions
Photo courtesy of TheDigitalWay via Pixabay   Home should be where you can relax after a long and tiring day, where you can let everything go and feel comfortable. It’s where you should be able to rest and enjoy some peace and quiet. But would you still be able to relax knowing that you are not 100% safe at home? Would you ...
Halloween Safety Tips: Keeping Your Home Safe From Intruders
Question: What would you do if a group of monsters, ghosts, pirates, wizards, princesses, fairies, and other fantastic creatures knocks on your door? Answer: You give them candies, of course! Photo courtesy of via Pexels Yup, Halloween is just around the corner, and as a homeowner you should start preparing for t...
Boost Your Home Value With A Home Security System
The impact of a home burglary goes beyond losing material property; it can be a truly traumatic experience that may lead to injury or even death of an occupant. A home security system, coupled with diligence, is your major defense against burglary, fire, and other unforeseen occurrences. A study published by the University of...
Alarm System Devices For Office/Business That You Need To Invest In
Growing a business is not for the fainthearted. You invest not just time and resources, but also talent and emotions. Setbacks, and there’s going to be a lot, can be really painful. So imagine if one day, a burglar comes barging into your office or establishment, taking away the things that you worked so hard for. For people ...
Keep Burglars Out: Ways to Secure your Garage Door
When you think about securing your home from break-ins, the first thing you consider is your front door. Understandably so because it is your home’s main point of entry. But to keep burglars at bay, you have to do more than that and not overlook other security details, one of which is securing your garage from burglary. Accor...
Wireless Security Solutions For Your Driveway to Deter Car Thieves
When we think about security, our homes and families immediately come to mind. That’s just about right. However, there are things outside of our homes that we must also protect, such as motor vehicles that are also considered major investments. Data from the Federal Bureau of Investigation shows a downward trend in vehicle th...
Guide For Renters: Installing The Right Home Security System
Making sure that your home is safe and secure is your responsibility whether you're a homeowner or a renter. If you haven't installed a home security system yet, let this official data convince you otherwise: A home burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the US, according to the FBI. More than 2.5 million break-ins are reported...
Why You Need to Equip Your Home With Magnetic Door Sensors
Criminals do not discriminate, and in these times, no one is really safe. Even our own homes are vulnerable. That is why home security is increasingly becoming non-negotiable if you want to ensure your family’s safety. The weakest points of the home are entry and exit points such as the front, back, patio, and garage doors. A...
Fire in the Hole: The Critical Factors in Getting a Fire Alarm System
Last December, the US Fire Administration released a report titled Fire in the United States: 19th edition. While it showed a general decrease in deaths, injuries, and dollar losses per capita from 2006 to 2015, families were still at risk. Residential fires outnumbered nonresidential incidents three to one, and the largest p... Video Service Guide
A lot of people are looking for easy to install and easy to use video surveillance. And there have been a lot of companies coming out with cameras and services to meet those needs. has a very competitive service and line of cameras. And it can be used as a standalone service. But where it really excels is that their...
2018 Smart Devices You Must Add to Your Home Security System
Installing a dependable security system is a great way to protect your home and your family. It is also a sound investment, considering what you could lose if your house falls prey to burglars and intruders. With technology and smart devices taking over people’s lives, cool new features continually sprout in the market to aug...