BBB Business Review

Honeywell Vista Series 15P, 20P and 21ip Quickstart Guide

Download the Honeywell Vista Series 15P, 20P and 21ip Quickstart Guide HERE

NOTE: DO NOT hook power to the keypad until the entire system is installed and ready for programming. Reason: You have to make a programming change to each keypad upon 30 seconds of power being sent to the keypad.

Installer Code = 4112
Master Code=1234
Program Mode= 4112+800


Upon 50 seconds of power up, you will need to press and hold * and # at same time.

Exit Programming=*99 or 00 depending on where you are at

*=Change Data
#=View Data

Step 1: Assign Keypad Address

  • Within 30 seconds of the main keypad receiving power: Press and hold the 1 and 3 buttons at the same time.
  • Con Addr = will appear and you will need to enter 16. Then press *
  • On each additional keypad you will need to enter a unique address: 17, 18, etc.

Do Not Duplicate Keypad Addresses. Keypads have to be addressed 16 to 23 (no duplicates), but come defaulted at 31 and will not work until they are re-addressed.

Step 2: Enter Programming

After the keypad is addressed, you will need to enter programming:

  • Enter 4112 800
  • Field 20 (Installer Code) will be displayed on the screen.
  • We can begin programming from this point.

  • Step 3: Default the Entire System (*97)

  • Enter *97 to default your system. The system will beep. This will ensure that there is a clean slate to start from.
  • If you will be using central station monitoring:  Press *96 and the system will beep. This is for clearing the ID number for Central Station.

  • Step 4: Installer Code (*20)

  • If you would like to change the installer code, press *20 + new installer code. Be sure not to forget this number.

  • Step 5: Exit Delay (*34) (Page 4-2 in the Installation and Setup Guide)

    The minimum delay is 45 seconds. If the delay is between 45 and 96 seconds, then enter the actual seconds. If the delay time is more than 96 seconds, then enter 97 and then the system will give you a delay of 120 seconds.

  • Enter *34
  • Then enter the exit delay time for Partition 1
  • Then repeat the exit delay for Partition 2

  • Note: Both partitions must have a delay time programmed, even if you do not have a 2nd partition.

    After both delay times have been entered the system will automatically take you to step 6.

    Step 6: Entry Delay (*35) (Page 4-2 in the Installation and Setup Guide) As with the exit delay, you must enter an entry delay for both partition 1 and 2 even if only 1 partition will be used.

  • 30 to 90 seconds = enter the desired seconds 30-90
  • 97 = 120 seconds
  • 98 = 180 seconds
  • 99 = 240 seconds

  • Note: You will not need to enter *35 if you have just completed step 5.

  • Enter the entry delay time for Entry Delay 1 on Partition 1
  • Then enter the entry delay time for Entry Delay 1 on Partition 2
  • Then enter the entry delay time for Entry Delay 2 on Partition 1
  • Then enter the entry delay time for Entry Delay 2 on Partition 2.

  • The system will advance you to the next step when all delay times are entered.

    Step 7: Audible Exit Warning (*37) (Page 4-2 in the Installation and Setup Guide)

    Note: You will not need to enter *37 if you have just completed step 6.

  • If you want the system to rapidly beep 10 seconds before it arms, enter 01.
  • OR

  • Enter 00 if you do not want your system to beep.

  • The system will automatically advance you to the next step.

    Step 8: Confirmation of Arming Ding (*38) (Page 4-2 in the Installation and Setup Guide)

    Note: You do not need to enter *38 if you have just completed step 7.

  • Enter:
  • 00=No Ding
  • 01=Ding after Arming
  • 02=Ding after arming with RF button or RF keypad

  • Step 9a: Hardwired Zone Programming (*56) (Page 5-1 and 5-2 of the Installation and Setup Guide)

    Use * to continue and # is to back up

  • Enter *56
  • Set to Confirm will be displayed on the screen. This means: Are you installing wireless devices?

  • 0=NO and 1=Yes

    • Zone 1 is for Fire or any hardwired device if fire is not being used
    • Zones 2-8 hardwired devices
    • Zones 9-48 Wireless Transmitter Zones
    • Zones 49-64 Key Fobs
    • Zone 92 Duress
    • Zones 95, 96, and 99 are Panic Zones

    Zone Types:

  • 00= Not Used
  • 04= Interior follower
  • 08= 24 Hr Aux
  • 21= Arm-Away
  • 01=Entry/Exit #1
  • 05=Trouble Day/Alarm Night
  • 9=Fire no delay
  • 22=Disarm
  • 02=Entry/Exit #2
  • 06=24 Hr Silent
  • 10=Interior delay
  • 23=No Alarm Response
  • 03=Perimeter
  • 07=24 Hr Audible
  • 20=Arm Stay
  • 24=Silent Burglary

  • Enter the Zone Number you wish to program and press *. A summary screen will be displayed. Press * again to advance past the summary screen.

    Enter the Zone Type (ZT). (Refer above or go to page 5-2 in the Installation and Setup Guide for the exact types). Press * to continue.

    Enter the partition number (PT 1 or 2). (NOTE= Partition 3 is for common areas between partitions 1 and 2). Then press *.

    Report Code (RC) should be left at 01. The summary will show 10 though this is correct. Press * to continue

    Enter Hardwire Type (HW).

  • If you used a resistor enter 0
  • Normally Closed=1
  • NO=2

  • Press * to continue

    Response Time should be left at 1. Press * to continue.

    Summary Screen will appear. Press * to continue or # to go back to make changes.

    At this time we will not enter Alpha Descriptors. We recommend using *82 for this. (Page 9-1 of the Installation and Setup Guide) Press “0”

    You are ready to enter the next zone. Repeat step 9a for each zone.

    NOTE: If you have any unused hardwired zones, these zones should be disabled using Zone Type 00. Then enter 1 when asked to delete zone. We also recommend adding a resistor to the zone as well.

    When all zones are entered, press 00 at the screen where is asks you for a zone number to exit.

    Step 9b: Wireless Device Zone Programming (*56) (Page 5-1 and 5-7 of the Installation and Setup Guide)

    Enter *56

    Set to Confirm will be displayed on the screen. This means: Are you installing wireless devices? Press 1 = Yes

    We will be using zones 9-48 (Wireless Transmitter Zones) for this step.

    Enter the Zone Number you wish to program and press *. A summary screen will be displayed. Press * again to advance past the summary screen.

    Enter the Zone Type (ZT). (Refer above or go to page 5-2 in the

    Installation and Setup Guide for the exact types). Press * to continue.

    Enter the partition number (PT 1 or 2). (NOTE= Partition 3 is for common areas between partitions 1 and 2). Then press *.

    Report Code (RC) should be left at 01. The summary will show 10 though this is correct. Press * to continue

    Enter Input Type

  • 2=Aux Wired
  • 3=RF Supervised
  • 4=UR Unsupervised
  • 5=Button type RF transmitter
  • Then press * to continue

    You will trip the sensor you are entering. Upon activating the sensor, the keypad will display the S/N of the device.

    Confirm that the S/N on the keypad display and device S/N are both the same by entering “*”. If not hit # and reenter.

    Verify the screen is correct and hit * to continue.

    At this time we will not enter Alpha Descriptors. We recommend using *82 for this. (Page 9-1 of the Installation and Setup Guide) Press “0”

    You are ready to enter the next zone. Repeat step 9b for each zone.

    Step 10: Dialer Delay (*50)

  • Enter 0 for no dialer delay

  • Step 11: Changing the Master Code and User Codes

    Changing the master code

    Enter the Master code + 8 + 02 + New Code + the New Code again. The keypad will beep 1 time for confirmation letting you know the code was successfully changed.

    Changing the User codes

    Enter the Master/Partition Programmer Code + [8] + User Number + New Code NOTE: User number can be 03-49. This can be done from any partition. The keypad will beep 1 time for confirmation letting you know the code was successfully entered.

    Press *99 to exit programming

    Step 12: Time and Date

    Enter your Master Code (default 1234) and # 63 then *.

    Using the number pad, enter the hour, then minutes. Press 1 for PM. or 2 for AM. Then press the year and then * to save.

    Adding Additional Keypads:

    The following are ways to add keypads to your system. Keep in mind keypads can be addressed 16 to 23 with no duplicates in the addresses. The keypad should come defaulted at 31, but we will default the keypad to make sure everything is correct.

    Step 1: Upon Power Up of the new keypad (when the main display goes blank),

    Press and hold the “1” and “3” simultaneously. Then “--oo” will flash.

    Step 2: While “--oo” is flashing enter “91”, then the system will beep and “--oo”

    will be displayed.

    Step 3: Press “1” and then the display will show “Ca 31”

    Step 4: Enter “00” and then the address of the keypad. For the second keypad this would be 17, 18 for the third keypad, etc. Enter * to save. “--00” will be displayed and enter * again.

    Your display will then show “Ad 00 17” (or the new address). The keypad will restart on its own.

    Step 5: On your programming keypad (Main Keypad 6160, 6160RF, or 6160V), enter into the programming mode. You will need to activate address you used (i.e. 17) in the programming section. Use the Installation and Setup Guide for assistance on enabling your keypad address on page 2-5.

    Step 6: If you address your keypad 17, enter programming mode by entering “installer code + 800”. Field 20 (Installer Code Field) will be displayed. Enter data field “*190”. Then enter “1 0” to enable your keypad. Then enter *99 to exit.

    Programming Function Keys:

    *57 Function Key Programming


  • Function Key A Zone 95
  • Function Key B Zone 99
  • Function Key C Zone 95
  • Function Key D Single Button Page

  • Step 1: Press Function Key to program (A = Top to D = Bottom Function Key)

    Step 2: Display shows Function Key chosen (* for next, # for previous menu)

    Step 3: Choose Function for this Key (* for next, # for previous menu)

  • 00 = A Zone 95 B = Zone 99 C = Zone 96 D = Single Button Page
  • 01 = Single Button Page (sends 999-9999 message to Pager
  • 02 = Display Time
  • 03 = Arm Away
  • 04 = Arm Stay
  • 05 = Arm Night/Stay (any Zone in User List 3)
  • 06 = Step Arming (Stay then Night/Stay then Away)
  • 07 = Device A Activation (Type 66 Function in *80 menu)
  • 08 = Communication Test
  • 09 = Macro Key 1 (Activated by User Code + # + 66)
  • 10 = Macro Key 2 (Activated by User Code + # + 66)
  • 11 = Macro Key 3 (Activated by User Code + # + 66)
  • 12 = Macro Key 4 (Activated by User Code + # + 66)

  • Step 4: Enter next Function Key or 0 to exit

    Step 5: Press * or # to exit